EZXS_ibility Award-winning Team Members

This site was built using WordPress and HeadwayThemes by team “EZXS_ibility” in the Accessible Internet Rally (AIR) competition 2012, and it won a regional award/Advanced Category Third Place in the competition.
This annual competition pairs developers with not-for-profit organizations in need of websites. Web accessibility means making web content available to a wide audience regardless of physical abilities, web clients and personal preferences. The competition was a good opportunity to learn the latest technologies, including WAI-ARIA, to make websites accessible to people with disabilities. Millions of people have disabilities that affect their use of the Web. And accessibility also helps with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Search engines are like blind people. If a site is fully optimized for someone who uses a voice reader it will be fully seen by search engines.
Winners of the regional awards were announced Friday night, Jan 25. We’ll go on to a second round of competition. Winners will be announced at the AIR International/Dewey Winburne Awards Ceremony on March 11, as part of SXSW Interactive 2013.
Our Team:
Karen Kreps, Net Ingenuityx
Carey Falk, CF Professional Services
Greg McGee, AustinTXous Production Co.
Jason Farrer
Anuja Mathur
Plus help from:
Celeste Epstein,Collaborative Consultant
Michelle Trudo (Header design)